Dermaplaning – Custom Booking

This is a custom service request, please get in touch for more information!

How does Dermaplaning work?


 Dermaplaning is carried out to improve the overall appearance and texture of your skin. It is a gentle exfoliation that removes dead skin and the vellus hair from

your face. Rejuvenating your skin, without using harsh exfoliating scrubs or topical treatments.

Mesotherapy targets: The benefits of dermaplaning include Brighter, more youthful skin tone  removal of dead skin, small hairs known as peach fuzz, removal of fine lines and wrinkles, skin will appear smoother, whilst easing hyperpigmentation. It is safe to use whilst pregnant or nursing mothers as there are no chemicals. This treatment can be had by itself or alongside another clinical facial treatment, when dealing with acne scaring or dry dull skin.




Contact Us

All of our Clinical Skin Care Treatments require custom booking to ensure that you receive a suitable treatment for your requirements, please use the form below to get in touch and we will respond as soon as possible



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